Products from PXP Professional Colours

PXP Professional Colours Face & Body Paint, One Stroke Split Cake
PXP Professional Colours, a creative habitat full of inspiration for your creations with everything you need right at your fingertips!
PXP Professional Colours face and body paints and one stroke split cakes are highly pigmented and provides excellent coverage while using just a small amount of the product. Ideal for fine details and line work. A high quality face paint perfect for face and body art because of its ultimate and extremely long lasting brightness, premium coverage and highest consistency.
Quality and Safety of PXP Professional Colours
PXP Professional Colours is passionate about face and body painting and hold there products to the highest standards of quality and safety. This dedication makes PXP Professional Colours the Number 1 choice for many, including professional face & body painters.
PXP Professional Colours believes in making products which are 100% safe. Rest assured that PXP Professional Colours paints are classified as not hazardous to health or environment and are made of premium cosmetics ingredients.